Monday, May 01, 2006

Where to hide the stash???

The yarn stash that is......It's growing seems like daily because I keep finding fun stuff that I can use for making stuff for the kids and blankets and stuff like that. At first I used a simple tote bag.....ha ha ha yes that was in the early weeks....then it seemed I had TWO totes plus the bag I carried my current project. Then I UPgraded to two rubbermaid tubs. I had them underneath the end table right by "my chair". (Mike lost the chair the minute I started knitting because it had the best light and fit my ass the best....LOL)

THEN of course I found a sale this weekend. Nice cotton skeins for $1 and glitter ones for $3. Now WHO could pass that up right? Soooo....19 skeins later I was thinking .....this is not going to fit anywhere in the house. So now I needed a new container. One that could be displayed somewhere in the house but not be obtrusive. Right. So. I stumbled upon a great little 3 drawer wicker job that goes in a corner. It is almost big enough to hold ALL of my stash. If I don't include the blanket yarn for the current and next blanket and the first stuff I bought that is cheap and I hate. Maybe I will give that to my girls to learn on {wink wink}

I think I really MUST stop because I have no more room. I feel like a druggie looking where to keep his dope stash so the cops (husband) doesn't find it! Behind the toilet obviously won't work, and I can't flush it all in an emergency. I can see me standing on a corner "Pssst...hey girlie....wanna buy some glitter yarn? Real won't be sorry. The first skein is my treat!"

Of course.....I could ALWAYS go buy another corner unit to match the one I just got.....yeah that's what I can do.....hmm....


At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh Oh! MB needs an intervention!!! No worries, I know the feeling.


At 5:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He knows....

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Lucia said...

My dear, you are a mere babe in the woods (wools?) in the matter of stash. My stash occupies a wardrobe, a changing table, many boxes, and several Rubbermaid tubs. And that's just the yarn stash. (Wait until you hear the siren song of spinning.)

At 7:44 PM, Blogger Cindy said...

What lucia said. I just found a bunch of novelty yarn on sale for a dollar a skein. My stash expanded ridiculously fast!

Especially for someone who hadn't knit for nearly a decade & only recently got back into it...


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